Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

You Chosen Ones of the End Times, Remaining Church of Jesus Christ, Persevere

Message of Archangel St. Barachiel revealed by Trinitarian Will to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on July 22, 2024


***The Archangel Barachiel appears. He dresses in teal and hair the color of gold. Very young. He says:

Shalom, beloved children of Jesus the Redeemer, consoling souls of the Sacred United Hearts.

Expunge your own and others' sins, praying on your knees near the HOLY DOMESTIC ALTARINS.

Have a lighted candle, flowers near the Holy Images. Pray the Rosary in the FAMILY, make SPIRITUAL COMMUNION.

Turn away from the false shepherds of GOD'S GREG and do not follow them. We are THOSE WHO BELIEVE, PRAY AND FOLLOW US. If you fall, get back up with divine help. Never despair, but HOPE AND BE REBORN SOON. IT IS TIME FOR REBIRTH NOW, NOW!

Watch and be wary of false ministers of justice and heretical false believers. Pray, pray.

Believe in the Brindisi Work, help it, support it with actions and prayers. Believe in these SALVIOUS APPEALS. BRINDISI MUST BE LOVED, FOLLOWED, DEFENDED, BELIEVED IN, SUPPORTED. Watch out, Satan hates this Work and fights it. He will try to pass everything off as false by using errors and frailties of the Instrument, but also by slandering and defaming.


Run far from the church of Satan, synagogue of Lucifer.

THE TIME OF GREAT DESOLATION AND ABOMINATION IN HOLY PLACES IS COMING. Darkness envelops the nations and many parishes are misled.

Heaven speaks today as it did yesterday and, if you correspond, you will be saved.

This time is like that of the FLOOD: EVERYONE LAUGHED, AND THE RUIN CAME.

Pray the ANGELIC CROWN AND THE CROWN OF THE FATHER. PRAY ALWAYS AND LEAVE ALL RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT TO GOD. YOU PRAY. Those who repent will be saved, those who persist will be damned.

Those who judge and defame Brindisi are of Satan and false prophets: this is the obvious sign...instruments of the Evil One, false Christians and Freemason bishops, devoted to the BEAST.

**I have a vision: priests, bishops, laymen, insulted this Divine Appeal, spreading lies and wickedness. God was punishing them with heavy personal chastisements. Suddenly I see a chasm of burning fire and brimstone engulfing them. Satan was tormenting them with atrocious torments.**


